HGUC Gundam Operation V Set


The HGUC Operation V Set includes the three stars of the original Mobile Suit Gundam animated series, the Gundam, the Guncannon, and the Guntank! Operation V was the Earth Federation’s secret Mobile Weapon development program to combat Zeon’s new force of Zaku Mobile Suits. This program spawned three different prototype Mobile Suits, each with a unique combat role. The Earth Federation would use the data gathered from these three Mobile Suits to develop their own Mass-Production Mobile Suits, such as the RGM-79 GM and the RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type. As for its model kit rendition, the HGUC Operation V Set uses the original molds of all three kits with an exclusive recoloring of all the plastic. Bandai also included a set of marking decals to give your Operation V Set a unique look!

Articulation –

The RX-78-2 Gundam builds like many other HGUC models from this time, especially other Gundams or GMs. It has a quick and basic set of instructions that, along with a couple of stickers, will make you a sweet rendition of the RX-78-2 Gundam, just like in Mobile Suit Gundam.

The RX-75 Guntank has some decent posability. Both arms fully articulate, and the head mounts on a ball joint. Both cannons mount to polycaps, so you can display them firing or in standby mode. The treads are made of flexible plastic for easy assembly but will not move once assembled.

The RX-77 Guncannon’s torso attaches via a hinged polycap, allowing for the recreation of its’ prone shooting pose. The Shoulder Cannons also connect via polycap for the better posing of the weapons. The Guncannon also uses basic double-jointed knees to provide a dynamic look once completed.

Weapons and Other Notable Attributes 

The handle and camera for the Beam Rifle both provide a small amount of articulation for optimal posing. Unfortunately, Bandai did not include a sticker to recreate the camera’s lens, so perhaps try out some yellow paint and create the effect yourself! The Shield and Bazooka can both attach to the Gundam’s backside for storage. The included Corefighter does not transform or combine with the RX-78-2 Gundam. Bandai included Landing Gear for displaying the Core Fighter in a stationary position.

Since the RX-75 Guntank lacks any manipulators, it is not capable of equipping additional weapons. However, with the help of some customization and kitbashing, anything is possible.

This version of the RX-77 Guncannon includes the 240mm Cannons as well as the Spray Missile Launchers to customize your model! Use the included open-palm manipulators to support the Guncannon while firing from the prone position. When standing, the Guncannon uses a Beam Rifle similar to the one used by the Gundam.

Exclusive items included:

Marking Stickers for all three model kits!

The RX-78-2 Gundam kit includes:

4 Runners total (A, B, C, PC123+)
Total Piece Count – 132 with 2 Unused Parts
Foil Stickers
Materials – PS, PE
Japanese Instructions

 The Guntank kit includes:

6 Runners total (A1, A2, B, C, D, PC123)
Total Piece Count – 79 with 3 Unused Parts
Materials – PS, PE
Japanese Instructions

The Guncannon kit includes:

6 Runners total (A1, A2, B, C, D, PC120)
Total Piece Count – 91 with 11 Unused Parts
Foil Stickers
Materials – PS, PE
Japanese Instructions

Additional Fun information

Scale: 1/144
Grade: High Grade
Original Release Date: Aug 2001
Gundam Series: Mobile Suit Gundam
Mechanical Designer: Kunio Okawara

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HGUC Gundam Operation V Set

Tips and Tricks –

By implementing the technique of Top Coating, you can do a great deal to help preserve the longevity of your models. This process will protect the original plastic of your model kit and prepare it for any additional modeling techniques to follow.

You can drastically improve your results by making the details pop on the HGUC Gundam Operation V Set with Panel Lining. The simplest solution for this is Gundam Markers or Tamiya Panel Line Fluid. If you’re up to a challenge making panel wash is always a great option too! It is always recommended to Topcoat with clear gloss beforehand, as some of the products commonly used for Panel Lining will degrade the untreated plastics over time.

Another way to keep adding detail is by applying Stickers/Marking DecalsTop Coating before the application will help decals stick to the surface much better. Using Top Coat after application will help hide the seams on traditional sticker decals as well as waterslides. This additional step will also keep them from peeling over time. Using Decals is a great way to add an even greater level of detail to your scale models.

General Safety Warning:

Suitable Age: 8+

Assembly required. Snap together, no glue needed.

Products shown in photos may have been professionally painted or computer rendered images. They may differ from the actual product.

WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD, Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.


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