The Buster Gundam is one of four prototype Gundam Mobile Suits stolen from the Earth Alliance by ZAFT during the second year of the Bloody Valentine War. Like the other G-Project Mobile Suits, the Buster Gundam features a unique loadout of fixed and handheld armaments designed to provide a significant advantage in a specific role. The Earth Alliance developed the Buster Gundam for long-range artillery support, developing a series of specialized weaponry, including the 350mm Gun Launcher and the 94mm High-Energy Rifle. The Buster Gundam’s pilot can use these weapons individually or combine them into two different configurations.
Included alongside the MG Buster Gundam for accessories:
- 350mm Gun Launcher
- 94mm High-Energy Rifle
- 1/100 Dearka Elsman Figure
- Action Base Adapter
Articulation –
The MG Buster Gundam borrows most of its internal construction from the previously released MG Duel Gundam Assault Shroud, showcasing their in-universe shared development. The MG Buster Gundam features a complete inner frame supported by an array of polycaps. The model also features double-jointed limbs and swiveling thighs, providing a wide range of motion to create dynamic poses. The Mobile Suit’s side skirts feature articulated sub-arms to help the Buster Gundam hold its massive weaponry.
Weapons and Other Notable Attributes –
The 94mm High-Energy Rifle is the most powerful beam weapon used by any of the 1st Generation G Project Mobile Suits, featuring a higher output than the weapons mounted to the Alliance’s Battleships! Builders can create the Hyper Impulse Long-Range Sniper Rifle by attaching the 350mm Gun Launcher to the rear of the Energy Rifle. This configuration massively increases the weapon’s effective range and output, now capable of destroying multiple battleships with a single shot! The Buster Gundam’s 350mm Gun Launcher is a gigantic railgun capable of firing armor-piercing, high-explosive projectiles and standard rounds with equal efficiency. By attaching the High Energy Rifle to the end of the 350mm Launcher, builders can create the Anti-Armor Shotgun. This configuration fires multiple shells in a single stream, separating after a set distance to inflict catastrophic damage across a wide area.
This kit includes:
13 Runners total (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, PC130B)
Total Piece Count – 304 with 26 Unused Parts
Foil + Marking Stickers and Dry Transfer Decals
Materials – PS, ABS, PE
Japanese Instructions
Additional Fun information
Pilot(s): Dearka Elsman
Unit Type: Prototype Artillery Mobile Suit
Model number: GAT-X103
Code name: Buster Gundam
Overall Height: 18.9m(20.7m)
Manufacturer: Morgenroete, Inc.
Scale: 1/100
Grade: Master Grade
Completed Model Height:
Original Release Date: Sep 2012
Gundam Series: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Mechanical Designer: Junichi Akutsu
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