The Gundam Exia is a third-generation Close Combat Mobile Suit constructed by Celestial Being, a paramilitary organization dedicated to remedying global conflicts with their highly advanced Mobile Suit forces. Through years of research, Celestial Being created the revolutionary GN Drives, providing their Mobile Suits with an almost limitless power supply. The GN Drives also exude powerful GN Particles, which grant the Gundam Exia fantastic maneuverability, amongst other benefits. The Gundam Exia’s sparse armor placement furthers the mobility and range of motion by a great deal, perfect for getting in close to targets. The Gundam Exia’s armor placement ensured full mobility but exposed vitals during movement, reducing the Mobile Suit’s defensive capabilities. Setsuna F. Seiei, the Mobile Suit’s pilot, would make hasty repairs to the Gundam Exia during his absence from Celestial Being, utilizing several spare parts from other Mobile Suits to complete its construction.
Included alongside the MG Gundam Exia Ignition Mode for accessories:
- GN Sword
- GN Long Blade
- GN Short Blade
- GN Shield
- GN Beam Saber (Long) x2
- GN Beam Saber (Short) x2
- Parts for Exia Repair
- Action Base Adapter
Articulation –
The MG Gundam Exia Ignition Mode is identical to the previously released MG Gundam Exia, except for the additional parts provided for the alternate build. Builders can create the standard Gundam Exia or the GN-001RE Gundam Exia Repair using the pieces included with this model. This model features double-jointed limbs and swiveling thighs, providing a wide range of motion to create dynamic poses. Bandai provided an adapter that allows builders to connect the MG Gundam Exia Ignition Mode to their preferred Action Base. There are also thorough sheets of color-correcting stickers, marking stickers, and dry-transfer decals to help recreate the Mobile Suit’s on-screen appearance right out of the box!
Weapons and Other Notable Attributes –
The GN Sword is MG Gundam Exia Ignition Mode’s primary weapon, functioning as a high-powered melee weapon or Beam Rifle, depending on the blade’s orientation. This model includes a broken version of this weapon’s blade for use with the GN-001RE Gundam Exia Repair. The MG Gundam Exia Ignition Mode features two more physical bladed weapons attached to its side skirt armor. This pair of blades carry the unique ability to disable GN Shields to counter any potential betrayers from using their Mobile Suit against Celestial Being. The MG Gundam Exia Ignition Mode also sorties with four traditional Beam Sabers attached to its back, two of which utilize smaller beams. The cloak used to cover the GN-001RE Gundam Exia Repair’s missing left arm connects to the Mobile Suit’s shoulder joint with multiple points of articulation.
This kit includes:
15 Runners total (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J1, J2, SB8, PC130B)
Total Piece Count – 329 with 16 Unused Parts
Foil + Marking Stickers and Dry Transfer Decals!
Materials – PS, ABS, PE, EVAC
Japanese Instructions
Additional Fun information
Pilot(s): Setsuna F. Seiei
Unit Type: Close Quarters Combat Mobile Suit
Model number: GN-001
Code name: Gundam Exia
Overall Height: 18.3m(60.0ft)
Manufacturer: Celestial Being
Scale: 1/100
Grade: Master Grade
Completed Model Height:
Original Release Date: Jul 2009
Gundam Series: Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Mechanical Designer: Kanetake Ebikawa
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