The F91 Gundam F91 is a prototype Mobile Suit developed by the Strategic Naval Research Institute, a Mobile Weapons Development Organization created by the Earth Federation following the Second Neo-Zeon War in UC 0093. The Gundam F91 is a part of the Formula Project, a revolutionary program that sought the development of small form factor, highly capable Mobile Suits. The F91 Gundam F91 is the successor to the F90V Gundam, which provides the Mobile Suit’s powerful Variable Speed Beam Rifles. The SNRI developed the F91 Gundam F91 to surpass the performance of current-era Mobile Suits, installing several state-of-the-art components such as the Bio-Computer. This equipment is the latest iteration of psycommu technology; now capable of transmitting critical data directly to the pilot’s brain and allowing the pilot to control the Mobile Suit using their thoughts. The drastic reduction in the Gundam F91’s size and the array of high-output thrusters made the Mobile Suit extremely agile, significantly outperforming previous generations of Federation Mobile Suits.
Included alongside the MG Gundam F91 2.0 for accessories:
- Beam Rifle
- Beam Launcher
- Beam Saber x2
- Beam Shield Effect
- 1/100 Cecily Fairchild Figure
- Alternate Head
- Face Guard
- Action Base Adapter
- Display Base
Articulation –
The MG Gundam F91 2.0 is a complete redesign of the original Master Grade Gundam F91 released way back in 2006! Like its predecessor, this model is entirely polycap-free, lending itself to sturdy posing for years to come! The MG Gundam F91 2.0 features double-jointed limbs and swiveling thighs, providing a wide range of motion to create dynamic poses. The Mobile Suit features articulated Heat Radiation Fins hidden inside both of its shoulders, allowing builders to recreate the removal of the Gundam F91’s limiters. Bandai provided two options for the MG Gundam F91’s head. One of the heads features a more traditional structure with alternate parts to recreate the Mobile Suit’s Face Guard opening. The other choice features transforming mechanisms to achieve the open Face Guard state.
Weapons and Other Notable Attributes –
The Gundam F91’s Twin VBSRs come attached to articulated sub-arms that allow builders to position the weapons for handheld use. These weapons feature a brief transformation to recreate the High-Speed and Low-Speed States. Builders can attach the Gundam F91’s Beam Launcher to the back skirt armor when not in use. The Gundam F91 sorties with a pair of Beam Sabers store inside its left side skirt for close-quarters engagements.
This kit includes:
19 Runners total (A1, A2, B[x2], C, D1[x2], D2[x2], E1, E2, F[x2], G1, G2, G3, H, SB19, ACBBA)
Total Piece Count – 351 with 4 Unused Parts
Foil+ Marking Stickers and Dry Transfer Decals!
Materials – PS, ABS
English & Japanese Instructions
Additional Fun information
Pilot(s): Seabook Arno, Harrison Madin, Bergh Scred
Unit Type: Prototype General-Purpose Mobile Suit
Model number: F91
Code name: Gundam F91
Overall Height: 15.2m(49.9ft)
Manufacturer: Strategic Naval Research Institute
Scale: 1/100
Grade: Master Grade
Completed Model Height:
Original Release Date: May 2018
Gundam Series: Mobile Suit Gundam F91
Mechanical Designer: Yoshikazu Yasuhiko
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