The Justice Gundam is a ZAFT-produced Mobile Suit developed by reverse-engineering the technologically superior G Project Mobile Suits stolen from the Earth Federation at the war’s inception. ZAFT built two high-performance Mobile Suits using the latest technology, including the Justice Gundam and its sister suit, the Freedom Gundam. Athrun Zala took Justice Gundam on its first mission to return the recently stolen Freedom Gundam to ZAFT but soon found himself allied with the Freedom Gundam and the Clyne Foundation before the end of Mobile Suit Gundam Seed. The Justice Gundam and Freedom Gundam share similar internals but differ heavily in appearance and equipment. The Justice Gundam’s most defining feature is the Fatum-00 attached to its back. This equipment serves as the main thrusters for the Justice Gundam but can also function as a sub-flight unit or as an autonomous support fighter. Despite featuring a significantly smaller loadout, the Justice Gundam proved to be just as pivotal to the end of the First Alliance-PLANT War as the Freedom Gundam.
Included alongside the Justice Gundam for accessories:
- MA-M20 “Lupus” Beam Rifle
- Laminated Anti-Beam Shield
- RQM51 “Bassel” Beam Boomerang Effect Part x2
- MA-M01 “Lacerta” Beam Saber x2
- 1/144 Athrun Zala Figure
- Action Base Adapter
- Display Stand for Fatum-00
Articulation –
The RG Justice Gundam was one of the earliest Bandai models to utilize pre-molded inner frame pieces in its assembly. These parts combine hard and soft plastics to create large movable joint sections, to which builders apply additional frame pieces and armor over the pre-molded parts. The RG Justice Gundam uses twice as many pieces as its High Grade counterpart, providing much greater color accuracy on the 1/144th scale. The Justice Gundam hosts multiple armor sliding gimmicks throughout its frame for a truly dynamic look! Builders can easily remove the Fatum-00 from the back of their Justice Gundam and, after a brief transformation, display the Fatum-00 separately or attach the Justice Gundam on top for some awesome sub-flight unit action! There are tabs in the Justice Gundam’s feet that allow for a secure hold while standing atop the Fatum-00. The action base adapter for the Fatum-00 fits right onto an Action Base 2, which is available in multiple colors here at Gundam Pros!
Weapons and Other Notable Attributes –
Each weapon features updated designs loaded with surface detail without straying from the silhouette of the source material. These weapons feature the same excellent color separation as the Justice Gundam, providing some of the best-looking 1/144 scale weapons Bandai has ever made! The two MA-M01 “Lacerta” Beam Sabers included with the Justice Gundam fit right into their storage location inside the side skirt armor when not in use. These weapons can fuse at the base to create a gigantic double-bladed Beam Saber, just like in the anime! The Fatum-00 features an assortment of onboard weaponry, each defined with resounding details.
This kit includes:
11 Runners total (A, B, C1, C2, D1, D2, E1, E2, F, G, SB-12)
Total Piece Count – 264 Pieces
Marking Stickers
Materials – PS, ABS, PP
Japanese Instructions
Additional Fun information
Pilot(s): Athrun Zala
Unit Type: Prototype Assault Mobile Suit
Model number: ZGMF-X09A
Code name: Justice Gundam
Overall Height: 18.6m(61.0ft)
Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau
Scale: 1/144
Grade: Real Grade
Completed Model Height:
Gundam Series: Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
Mechanical Designer: Kunio Okawara
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