The Gundam GP01 is the first product of the Earth Federation’s Gundam Development Project, which sought to outpace the Mobile Suits developed by Zeon at the time. The Gundam GP01 drew obvious inspiration from the RX-78-2 Gundam in its design philosophy, as it could fight in atmosphere or space with equal efficiency through the use of varying equipment. The Gundam GP01 also features the second iteration of the Core Block System, which places the pilot inside a transformed Core Fighter instead of a traditional cockpit. The Gundam GP01 featured two Core Fighters, one for atmospheric combat and another for space use. The Gundam GP01 uses the latest Beam Rifle technology, as it’s the first Mobile Suit to utilize interchangeable E-Packs to power the weapon. The Gundam GP01 includes two spare E-Packs stored inside the shield to increase firing time.
Included alongside the Gundam GP01 for accessories:
- BOWA XBR-M-82-05H Beam Rifle
- RX•VSh-023F/S-04712 Shield
- E.Blash•XBR-L-83d/Du.02 Beam Saber x2
- Spare E-Pack x2
- Jutte Beam Effect
- 1/144 Kou Uraki Figure
- Action Base Adapter
Articulation –
The RG Gundam GP01 was one of the earliest Bandai models to utilize pre-molded inner frame pieces in its assembly. These parts combine hard and soft plastics to create large movable joint sections, to which builders apply additional frame pieces and armor over the pre-molded parts. The RG Gundam GP01 uses twice as many pieces as its High Grade counterpart, providing much greater color accuracy on the 1/144th scale. The RG Gundam GP01 features a fully-functioning Core Block System. This feature separates the Mobile Suit into a bottom half and top half, conjoining with a transformable Core Fighter where the pilot sits. This gimmick does limit the mobility of the Gundam GP01’s torso, as it prevented Bandai from using supplemental ball joints inside the GP01’s frame. The arms and legs of the Gundam GP01 provide the model with a wide range of motion, both featuring unique armor sliding gimmicks for a dynamic feel.
Weapons and Other Notable Attributes –
Each weapon features updated designs loaded with surface detail without straying from the silhouette of the source material. These weapons feature the same excellent color separation as the Gundam GP01, providing some of the best-looking 1/144 scale weapons Bandai has ever made! The Gundam GP01 includes all the accessories you’d expect to find in a Gundam’s loadout, including a Beam Rifle, Shield, and two Beam Sabers. The shield features a sliding gimmick for increased coverage. This equipment attaches to the Gundam GP01 in two places for a secure hold! The Gundam GP01’s Beam Rifle features an under-barrel Jutte that projects a small beam blade, allowing the Mobile Suit to counter melee attacks without switching weapons.
This kit includes:
9 Runners total (A, B, C, D1, D2, E1, E2, F, G)
Total Piece Count – 246 with 2 Unused Parts
Marking Stickers
Materials – PS, ABS, PP
Japanese Instructions
Additional Fun information
Pilot(s): Kou Uraki
Unit Type: Prototype General-Purpose Mobile Suit
Model number: RX-78GP01
Code name: Gundam GP01 Zephyranthes
Overall Height: 18.0m(59.0ft)
Manufacturer: Anaheim Electronics
Scale: 1/144
Grade: Real Grade
Completed Model Height:
Gundam Series: Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory
Mechanical Designer: Shoji Kawamori
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