The RX-0 Unicorn Gundam is a fearsome Federation Mobile Suit constructed by Anaheim Electronics and commissioned by the Earth Federation as a part of their “UC Project,” which sought the creation of powerful Psychoframe Mobile Suits to eliminate all Zeon remnants. The Unicorn Gundam was the first Mobile Suit to utilize Psychoframe components throughout its frame, granting it unrivaled performance. The abundance of Psychoframe parts within the Unicorn Gundam allows its pilot to use the Mobile Suit as an extension of their own body rather than a piloted mech. The Unicorn Gundam’s incredible responsiveness increases further, thanks to the addition of the NT-D System. The NT-D System activates automatically when the Mobile Suit detects an enemy Newtype pilot, transforming the Unicorn Gundam into Destroy Mode. In Destroy Mode, the Unicorn Gundam pushes itself to the limit for five minutes of maximum performance. Newtype Pilots like Banagher Links could control the Unicorn Gundam with just their brainwaves while Destroy Mode is active, making the Mobile Suit almost unstoppable in the right hands. The Unicorn Gundam is one of the most significant Mobile Suits in the Universal Century, so order yours today and immortalize this iconic design alongside the rest of your Real Grade collection!
Included alongside the Unicorn Gundam for accessories:
- Beam Magnum
- Hyper Bazooka
- Shield
- Beam Saber x2
- Beam Saber Hilt x2
- 1/144 Banagher Links Figure
- Action Base Adapter
Articulation –
The RG Unicorn Gundam is one of many early Real Grade models utilizing pre-molded inner frame pieces in its assembly. These parts combine hard and soft plastics to create large movable joint sections, to which builders apply additional frame pieces and armor over the pre-molded parts. The RG Unicorn Gundam uses twice as many pieces as its High Grade counterpart, providing much greater color accuracy on the 1/144th scale. The RG Unicorn Gundam utilizes an all-new MS Joint System molded in gray and transparent pink plastic to recreate the activated psychoframe. The RG Unicorn Gundam is the only 1/144 scale rendition of this iconic design to feature a transformation into Destroy Mode! Bandai provided detailed instructions showcasing all the necessary steps to transform the model, which does not require the use of additional pieces.
Weapons and Other Notable Attributes –
Each armament features updated designs loaded with surface detail without straying from the silhouette of the source material. These weapons feature the same excellent color separation as the Unicorn Gundam, providing some of the best-looking 1/144 scale weapons Bandai has ever made! The Beam Magnum and Hyper Bazooka both feature removable magazines, both of which fit to the rear skirt for storage. Either of these weapons will fit into the storage connection on the Mobile Suit’s backpack, but the Beam Rifle can attach alternatively to the Unicorn Gundam’s forearm. The Unicorn Gundam’s Shield is transformable, like the Mobile Suit, featuring an extended face and exposed psychoframe while Destroy Mode is active.
This kit includes:
10 Runners total (A1, B, C, D1, E1, F, G, H, I1, SB12)
Total Piece Count – 315 Pieces
Marking Stickers
Materials – PS, ABS, PP
English & Japanese Instructions
Additional Fun information
Pilot(s): Banagher Links
Unit Type: Prototype Full Psychoframe Mobile Suit
Model number: RX-0
Code name: Unicorn Gundam
Overall Height: 21.7m(71.2ft)(Destroy Mode)
Manufacturer: Anaheim Electronics
Scale: 1/144
Grade: Real Grade
Completed Model Height:
Original Release Date: Aug 2017
Gundam Series: Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
Mechanical Designer: Hajime Katoki
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